Monday I took my lunch break and met my friend Jen and her two boys (Silas and Lucas) at Chick-fil-a. Silas and Lucas had a GREAT time in the play area (Silas even met his new best friend - "the kid in the hulk mask") while Jen and I got a chance to catch up. It's great to be able to just pick right back up where things left off...even after being apart for so long!
Tuesday I went to lunch with dad, Pope, Faye and Thad Hardee, so we went to the usual lunch spot - Zack's. Zack's is an awesome Burger/Dog spot in downtown Smithfield that quickly became a meeting place for most of the town. Their success is four-fold - family-run, great location, fantastic food, super low prices. They also have some of the best chicken salad ever (at Christmas we get 2 tubs of it to enjoy for days).

After we left Zack's, we decided to make a trip to Hula Girl in Selma for some ice cream. I'd never been here before, but was excited to since mom and dad talk about it a lot. Boy, oh did not disappoint! Their restaurant is just over the tracks on 301 when you enter Selma - you may see their brightly colored picnic tables and grass umbrellas...that'll be your first hint. Inside they have at least 30 different ice cream flavors, old-timey candy, Carolina Packer Hot Dogs, BBQ, and lots of other food.
The ice cream was great, but my favorite part was their decor. Aqua walls, antiques bottles and signs, Selma paraphernalia, manakins dressed in Hawaiian garb...and a giant hot dog squirting ketchup on itself. heard me right. It was such a fun place to hang out...we'll definitely be going back.

Monday/Tuesday nights were spent playing cards, taking walks, watching movies, and hanging out with the puppies. Mark's dog, Dexter, is such a ham, so I've had fun taking pictures of him. His 1 year birthday was Tuesday, so he's officially a big boy! Happy Birthday Dexter!
Don't forget Riley & Chloe! These little guys make me miss Toby so much!! Chloe looks like him, and Riley acts like'm. Our friend Jess understands how sad I am, so she's been sending pictures and captions of what they've been up to.
Next up...the reason for the visit...Travis' concert at East Carolina University!!
Fun family time!! So glad you've been having a great time Lauren! :)